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Graduates of the university can get their rating in the diploma

The activity of students can help them get a job, experts say.

A new line may appear in the Russian diploma of higher education - the student's rating. So far, this is only a project developed by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI). But after discussion with experts and officials, it may well become mandatory for all universities. True, even in the most optimistic scenario, a new entry will appear in the diploma no earlier than 2018. Current students will not be affected by the change.


- The purpose of this innovation is to establish closer interaction between universities and business, - the director of the direction explained the essence of the innovation "Young Professionals"ASI Dmitry Peskov. - We do not even insist that this entry become mandatory for everyone. The university can make one more supplement to the diploma, which will indicate the student's place in the ranking of classmates. Then the employer will know what kind of person he takes on service.

There is a similar experience in Western universities. Students will fight for a high place in the final table with their classmates. Each university will determine for itself which merits of pets should be taken into account in the first place. Someone can award points only for academic results, others will take into account amateur performances, sports, good deeds, and whatever else they deem necessary.

“The first places in the ranking always go to the leaders,” Peskov added. - Sometimes you need a person to work, who is used to always achieving success, even if he did not study at the strongest university. Some US companies personnel policy suggests that they only consider an intern if the applicant was in the top five in their course. There are no restrictions on universities.

How useful would such an indicator be? On the one hand, there is a diploma supplement with grades. If a person has solid "excellent" there, it is clear that he will have a high rating. The points awarded for performance in the faculty KVN are unlikely to be of interest to anyone. Then the place in the ranking does not make much sense.

On the other hand, there is only one first place, and the exam for "five" can pass at least the entire stream. That is, the rating will reveal the best among equals. But such accuracy is unlikely to be useful to anyone.

Moreover, it is not entirely clear how it will be possible to compare alumni rankings different universities. However, now the Ministry of Education and Science is developing a university assessment system with might and main. If everything there also comes down to points and places, it will be possible to derive a formula for recalculating the two ratings and create a single register of all young professionals in the country. It would be interesting to see the results of such a ranking.

But so far we are talking only about the sovereign rating of each university, divided by courses and faculties. These have long been in many leading universities. But now these scores can be equalized in rights with state exams.

